Backerkit Smoke Test and Stuff and Things
12 days ago
– Mon, Jan 06, 2025 at 08:04:58 AM
Hey Folks,
Welp, I didn't make this out before the new year, but things changed a little when I had to wait for the Backekit staff to come back to approve something on the back end of the pledge manager. It's all set now and I just sent out a smoke test of surveys, so some of you will be receiving your surveys soon. Let me know if there's any issues. Assuming everything is all set, the rest of you should get surveys in the next couple of days.
Just to touch base on where everything else is at. I've got an email out the manufacturer to verify some stuff ti make sure I can get this out before Chinese new year and that doesn't affect our estimated ship date. I'm done with the checks on deck 1, but I'm going to see about passing it off to another team to double check in case I somehow missed something. Spelling errors due to my dyslexia is bound to make an appearance otherwise. Deck 2 is just about wrapped up too, biggest things are still the tying it in to the original deck more to make it feel more impactful when you mix and match the cards. Also I need to adjust the tuck box files. I expect all that to be wrapped up in the next couple days. Then the manufacturer will take them and after a few days of checking files, assuming everything is good to go right out of the gate, then we should be well on track for March.
Like I said, if you get a survey let me know if there's any issue. Thanks so much!
Backer-kit Troubles and Getting Back on Track
22 days ago
– Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 10:18:01 AM
Hey Folks,
I hope you all had a happy holiday. It was great to see some of you at PAX a few weeks back, thank you so much for stopping by. Last I checked in I was working on the Backerkit and I wanted to touch base on what's gone on the last month or so.
Turns out Backer-kit thinks that the campaign is still active since later pledges were enabled. I had no idea this was an issue, so in the weeks leading up to PAX Unplugged, I was struggling to figure out why everyone's info wasn't importing. I didn't figure it out until just before I left for Philly. I apologize for not updating right away, but following PAX Unplugged I went right back to my full time job teaching, resulting in 12 straight working days including the convention. I then got sick and crashed pretty hard. I took the holidays to just get settled and now here we are.
I just ended late pledges and will be getting things sorted on the backer-kit side. We're still on track with everything, and I'm just doing some final checks with the Decks and touching base with the manufacturer. Deck 1 is complete, with a few small tweaks I wanted to make. Deck 2 is nearly complete, I just wanted to add some things to make it interact with the original deck a little more.
Next week I'll be posting before the new year with some info about the stretch goals, I'm revisiting how that will work since I couldn't run backer-kit and kickstarter at the same time, and all my promotion time went to finding out what the issue was/ sleeping off PAX and a respiratory virus.
More to come soon, let me know if you folks have any questions. Thanks
Late Pledge Stretch Goals
2 months ago
– Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 01:58:52 PM
Good Evening Wonderful Internet People!
After talking it over, we've decided to continue finishing stretch goals here as late pledges come in and on backerkit. We're wont be submitting to the printer to at least after PAX Unplugged so we have that time to knock out stretch goals. We don't have an exact timeline yet, but more to come this week as I sort that out. In the meantime, if you know anyone interested, let them know that they can still get on board if they preorder as a later pledge. If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks!
We Did It!!! (Throws Confetti 🎉)
2 months ago
– Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 07:12:24 AM
Thank you all so much for helping me bring our little deck of dungeon cards to life! I’m so excited to finally be getting these made and I’ll have plenty more updates for you soon on the progress.
As I posted in a comment earlier, we have some ideas for the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons 2 and getting it the cards it deserves. More to come soon on that.
If you missed the Kickstarter, we have turned on late pledges.
Current timeline. Once we handle some back end stuff and the money comes in from Kickstarter, we will be sending the print documents over to the manufacturer. That probably won’t be finalized until after PAX Unplugged in a couple weeks. I’ll have more specifics on dates after that point. We’ll be doing surveys via backerkit and you should see that come through by the end of next week. I’ll be sure to post an update here when that goes out or is anything changes.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know. I might not respond right away because I’m at work (on break at the moment). More info and other stuff to come soon.
Thanks again to all of you, I truly appreciate you believing in us and helping us help you with all your dungeon needs. :D
Stretch Goal Unlocked: Three Skull!
2 months ago
– Sat, Nov 09, 2024 at 12:46:59 PM
The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons 2 grows even more expansive. As we close in on the end of our campaign, remember to please share with your fellow adventurers and dungeon masters. Help us reach the best version of the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons 2 possible!